A gas, easily liquefied, recovered from natural gas. Used as a low-volatility component of motor gasoline, processed further for a high-octane gasoline component, used in LPG for domestic and industrial applications and used as a raw material for petrochemical synthesis.

A large quantity of fuel usually kept in large field storage tanks or “farms”.  This term can also apply to rail tank cars and tank trucks.

The combining of two or more fuels in specific quantities to achieve a desired blend that is identified by a letter preceding a number … for example: E85 refers to a blend of 85% Ethanol and 15% Gasoline; B10 refers to a blend of 10% Biodiesel and 90% Low Sulfur Diesel. The letter refers to the “Renewable Fuel”.

Renewable organic matter such as agricultural crops; crop waste residues; wood, animal, and municipal waste, aquatic plants; fungal growth; etc., used for the production of energy.

A gaseous product of the anaerobic digestion (decomposition without oxygen) of organic matter. It is typically made up of 50-80% methane, 20-50% carbon dioxide, and traces of gases such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen. In contrast, natural gas is typically made up of more than 70% methane, with most of the rest being other hydrocarbons (such as propane and butane) and only small amounts of carbon dioxide and other contaminants. Biogas is sometimes called swamp gas, landfill gas, or digester gas.

A fuel that is non-petroleum based.  It has no or very little carbon content and the base/feedstock material is usually vegetative.  When the biofuel is blended with conventional petroleum based fuels the result is a cleaner burn and thus less carbon based pollution.

A biodegradable transportation fuel for use in diesel engines that is produced through transesterification of organically derived oils or fats. Biodiesel is used as a component of diesel fuel. In the future it may be used as a replacement for diesel.



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